Whoops, I did it again! 😬

Bugger! Done it AGAIN!

Decided I was missing out on the diver game so went a-hunting. Would LOVE a proper Seiko Willard but can’t justify the cost. Did some digging and found Steeldive.

Ordered one on eBay (don’t judge me!) before finding they have a UK outlet… which means pretty much next day delivery! 🎉

Yes, some are going to hate the ‘homage’.

Prices are crazy reasonable for what you seem to get.

So reasonable in fact, that when I saw there is a white one, I got that one as well!

They are lovely. Got some heft to them. Left the white on the bracelet which makes it a bit more dressy, put the black one on the rubber strap which makes it a bit more authentic - which was included along with the bracelet. See?! Crazy reasonable.

Models are both SD1970.

P.S. Only teeny tiny nit pick - the logo. It’s not great. But, you can’t have it all. 😉


Your black Willard homage is fricken' cool! Me want! 😀


Your black Willard homage is fricken' cool! Me want! 😀

Seriously - if you’re UK based and in the market for one, eBay is fine but checkout https://www.steeldiveuk.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7v75w_K7gAMVf4lQBh37sAV6EAAYASAAEgKhXPD_BwE


I do love my Steeldive "Great Wave Turtle" a lot of watch for the price.


Normally worn on a black rubber strap.


I got one from SteelDive, opted for the sterile dial. Very good quality for the price.


Yours are great and as you say brilliant VFM Love mine…..
