Tempus fugit, vita transit

Today, five years ago, my father passed away suddenly. Among his personal things there was a Casio DW5600, which had been a present from me.

After his passing, the watch was kept in a drawer. My father was a very active person, and had no mercy with his watch. It served him well.


I found the watch last Christmas. It was in a sorry state, with the bezel and strap totally broken, and the resin decomposed, and some minor scratches here and there. For a brief moment, I thought about disposing of it and moving on. But I just couldn't.

In the last months, I decided to rebuild it and procured the original parts online. After a new battery, it sprang back to life. Hopefully for a few more years.


I am not sure if I want to keep it yet, as I still have mixed feelings about the matter. I will offer it to my siblings first if they are interested. Otherwise, it will become a permanent part of my collection.

Time flies, life passes.


Nice work. In your case, “Ars longa” also applies.

I’m sorry for your loss.


Keep the watch. My dad died suddenly 29 years ago at 60. Miss him everyday. He has 5 sons. I have his jewelry box that looks like a pirates treasure chest. My brothers got what was inside of it ! I need to ask them , who has his Seiko watch . I know who has his Rado that we all got him for his 60th birthday. Every watch should have a memory to go with it.