Wonders wound up!

First time at one of these. Quite underwhelming and feels like an influencer echo chamber. I did find Melvin from Islander striking in person while Baltic looked like George from Walmart. Still hard to find white strap !!!





No, just seemed the visitors and vendors seemed to know each other.


FYI! Not a pesimist, my Arsicault croissant was delicious !!!


We had very different experiences lol


No, just seemed the visitors and vendors seemed to know each other.

It was the first day of the show so I think a lot of vendors were walking around also checking everything out for the first time


Sounds like you’d be more comfortable at a meet up rather than a show. The shows are basically big commercials (by nature)


No, just seemed the visitors and vendors seemed to know each other.

The industry is relatively small, making a lot of this stuff feel like the proverbial circle jerk. Great if you're on the inside. Less great if you're an average punter showing up.


I live in SF and have gone for the past 2 years and I just may skip this year. I have no ill feelings for the event I just find I’m not in the market for anything there. I’m sure there’s some nice stuff but I have to work afterwards at 2:30 so it’s just a bit of a schlep to make it happen.

Maybe I’ll go tomorrow.