This sux

Time change sucks for watch collectors.


No big deal for me. I rotate and set each one on the day I wear it. I don't understand adjusting all at once unless you keep them on a winder.


I change time every time I wear a different watch so it’s not a big deal… I kinda like it…


Yep, same as above, I change the time on any quartz as I wear it. Mechanicals are easier in this regard as they always need resetting anyway.


Doesn’t bother me. I rotate daily. I’m used to setting the time everyday.


The only one that I see is an issue is the Casio. All other analog ones should be easy peasy.


Time change sucks for everyone.

We all take a week or so to re-acclimate. It's not even needed anymore. I wish we could just get rid of it.


I rotate what watches I wear on a monthly basis; usually 2 watch a month so not a problem. Let them rest, I say. Save the oils.


Yeah. I’m just a bit ocd. I’m compelled to have them all at the correct time.


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