The clocks went back

That's my son's watches set. As with my non quartz watches, I'll set them as and when I wear them.


I have looked at all mine yet a job for later 👍🏻


Today I learned that the UK does this godawful fake time manipulation stuff, well actually the return to better real time but still, a week before the States. I guess this means they have a week more of real natural time than us.

Anyway, excellent watches, kudos for perfect synchronization and 24 hour time. I'd have the chimes on, even though that reveals sub-second discrepencies.


You need to set him up with an orange and black combo for Halloween. 🎃


Okay this gives me ideas. F91 has PLENTY of color variations. technically we can make F91 for all kinds of team colors! Lakers - orange and purple. Bucks - green and white. FC Barcelona - red, blue, yellow. 😀


You need to set him up with an orange and black combo for Halloween. 🎃


There you go! Awesome! 🎃