Bought a new Watch

I wanted to start a watch collection at low budget. After becoming a watch enthusiast for 1 year, I accidentally made a Casio collection it looks like 😂. Well it’s fine, I am happy with all the Casio’s I bought. I will start saving up and branch out to different brands like seiko and stuff. So I will probably buy my next watch this year December.


Cant go wrong with a Casio tbf :)


Low budget is the way to go but you haven't got a budget watch, you got a great one.


Very nice! That might outlast you! 😬


Probably 😂


Cant go wrong with a Casio tbf :)

Ye you can’t really go wrong with a Casio. But I want to start branching out to other brands also.


Cool! I’ve got the same model. I love it because it has all the essentials, none of the extra fluff.


Pshhh, Casio in and of itself is a black hole. You’ll never get out. Trust me. You start looking at one and 10 more pop up and you start thinking “Well, okay, I’ll have one of those, too.” Then you’re 20 Casios in and you have no idea how you got there.