Hogwarts Royale

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, Crunchers (is that what we call ourselves?) on my last post.

These are even more mods that I did using SKMEI royale inspired by the 4 Harry Potter’s houses. The plates (is that what you call that part of the watch?) are handrawn and hand painted.

It was fun researching and trying different color combination and drawing the different animals. The hardest to get right is Ravenclaw since the book said their color is bronze and blue whereas the movie uses silver and blue. AND the book said it should be an eagle not a crow 🙃.

Anyway, my favorite house mod is Hufflepuff. What’s your house??


Wicked cool!

The clear part that protects the movement or module in this case, is typically called either glass or a crystal.

My house is Gryffindor!


Too cool - nicely done! Ravenclaw here.


Too cool - nicely done! Ravenclaw here.

So do you prefer the book’s or the movie’s version of the animal+color?


So do you prefer the book’s or the movie’s version of the animal+color?

I shall allow my Tudor to speak on my behalf! 😎


That's so cool! 👏