Broken Wenger

Hey everyone,

My custom Wenger watch (gifted by my dad) broke. The crown falls out whenever I try to change the time on the watch. It looks like the crown got disconnected from the machinery on the inside, meaning I am unable to change the time. Does anyone have any good, easy fix solutions, or would I need it professionally replaced.



You gotta take it in, stems and crowns are very precise things. The good news is you have all the parts so the job shouldn't be too expensive.


tiene 2 opciones. 1 al relojero loco que te dirá que tires esa cosa porque no falta el snobista. o 2 haz la de mac giver con riezgo a que termines diciendo houston tenemos un problema. si la tija no esta dañada o rota, verifique y limpia el interior de la corona que se haya caido el pegante o adesivo y ponle pintura trasparente y la vuelves a pegar. o mira por youtube.


I’ll keep you posted!