Watches wear better on my bigger dominant hand.

This may sound silly and I know a lot has been debated about which wrist you should be wearing your watch. But hear me out. My right wrist is slightly bigger than my left. And I find that my watches wear and look better on my right hand. Is this a valid reason to wear my watches on my dominant right hand?


My right wrist is slightly thinner than my left (I think because I have worn watches on it for many many years. Wear it on whichever wrist feels better for you.


best, most valid reason to wear your watch on your dominant hand? because you like it. forget everyone else, enjoy your watches the way you want!


I think the reason most people wear their watch on their non-dominant side is so that it gets in the way less often. If you don't have issues wearing your watch on your dominant side, there is no reason to not wear your watch that way.