Vintage 1967 Seiko Sportsmatic 820 - Work Progress

1967 Seiko Sportsmatic Calendar 820. Before and After. Using hand and Dremel, I took Polywatch to the Hardlex crystal and Brasso to the case. It's good for now and will be a good everyday carry. However when time permits for full servicing, then I'll replace the crystal, which I have.


By the way strictly speaking that removed the word calendar from the dial at that point. Everything before this year had calendar 820.


That is a beautiful watch, I love the old Seikos. I didn't know Polywatch would do anything with hardlex good to know. 


That is a beautiful watch, I love the old Seikos. I didn't know Polywatch would do anything with hardlex good to know. 

there are some polywatch varian that can be applied to the glass (hardlex included i think). here is some pict from my local marketplace
