さよなら、友よ | Goodbye, old friend

Dragon Ball(DB) has been a big part of my life, especially during my childhood. I remember vividly when the clock struck 6pm and I had to rush and finish up my homework just to catch the final episodes of Goku versus Frieza on Planet Namek. There are even times when I had to wake up before school started just to catch the continuation of the Cell Saga in DBZ. Right after I would report to my friends about the epic battles and beam struggles and whether the Z fighters had prevailed. As I grew older, my love for the series did not dampen but evolved just like the powers of the Saiyans, allowing me to appreciate more nuanced characters like Vegeta and Piccolo instead of just the main character, Goku. Watching Dragon Ball growing up has enforced me to have a strong will and a sense of morality in myself, and it is one of the only shows that has imparted such life lessons and wisdom to me.

Hence, my heart sank when I heard the news that Mr Akira Toriyama, the creator of the internationally appreciated DB series, had passed on earlier today.

Thankfully, I have some memorabilia of the great experiences I’ve shared as a lifelong consumer of the series, like my Jump Comics I got from Osaka, Japan, when I was 8, my Piccolo Funko Pop I got when I was 10 and my most recent DB related acquisition, a DBZxSwatch collaboration model to always celebrate my love for the series.

Mr Akira Toriyama, I hope you’ve crossed snake way by now and are now having fun with King Kai, thank you for everything.

And to other Crunchers who are fans of DB, tell me what your favourite DB moments are in the comments below 👇 A personal favourite of mine is when Gogeta first appears and schools Janemba


I feel your pain my friend… 🤜🏽🤛🏽 Cheers to good memories 🍻


I have the Swatch Vegeta. Favorite moment is the Gotenks fusion dance attempts.


I have the Swatch Vegeta. Favorite moment is the Gotenks fusion dance attempts.

Nice watch! Loved the buu saga as well 🤙


Not my watch of choice, but RIP.


Dude was a big part of my childhood. RIP, legend.