Folded bracelets.

Now I understand that folded bracelets are generally looked at with derision.

That said we’ve seen our fave homages pull off engineer bracelets , jubilee & oyster etc..

But if they really wanna pull off that vintage feel - when will someone make a folded bracelet?

If anyone is reading this in the far east - I for one would love to see a modern interpretation of my Tissot pr516 with a high beat movement & san Martin build quality.



This is the first time I’ve seen someone request a folded bracelet.


I think we've (mostly) moved on from folded bracelets for good reason. While there is some vintage charm in an old jingly bracelet, modern folded link bracelets are seen as a cost cutting measure, since there are much better options now.


Folded bracelets and more importantly the large taper of vintage bracelets were definitely lighter and IMO more comfortable than heavy solid modern ones.


Folded bracelets and more importantly the large taper of vintage bracelets were definitely lighter and IMO more comfortable than heavy solid modern ones.

Simultaneously, folded bracelets were crappier in quality


Simultaneously, folded bracelets were crappier in quality

100% I have vintage bracelets that didn't last 60 years 👍


I've had a very good folded bracelet on my second watch, but the (also folded) clasp didn't last, the flexible lip broke. I wore it for years with just the security flap holding it shut.