Timex Q Day for me - wishing for some sun and to listen to some music in the garden.


Have a great Saturday everyone ✌️


Nice shot of that crystal Trevor👍😎


Thanks, Tony 🫡


Dang Trevor, your photography is just spectacular!


Killing the photos these days! Great music for gardening. Enjoy your day Trevor.


Dang Trevor, your photography is just spectacular!

Thanks, James ✌️


Killing the photos these days! Great music for gardening. Enjoy your day Trevor.

Thanks, Rusty - looking forward to a homemade curry and a few beers to finish the day off. Have a great day too ✌️


Love your photography Trevor.


Love your photography Trevor.

Cheers, Danilo 🍻


Hallelujah Trevor! I hope your wish comes true and sunnier days are on the way for everyone. I missed seeing awesome wruw shots like this one my friend 👌. Enjoy your weekend 🙏


Hallelujah Trevor! I hope your wish comes true and sunnier days are on the way for everyone. I missed seeing awesome wruw shots like this one my friend 👌. Enjoy your weekend 🙏

Thank your, Kostas - it’s always great to hear from you and your positive vibes. It was a beautiful day and I hope you had a great day too ✌️🙃