Hexagon watch roll

Hexagon Watch Roll Large

This large watch roll is handmade in a hexagon shape with fine genuine black leather and holds up to three watches. Keeps your watches fully protected when closed and transforms into a soft preparation and display surface when open. A Watch Roll is ideal to carry your favourite watches with you on any occasion such as


Hello, fellow Crunchers! Does anyone have experience with these hexagon watch rolls or doing business with Daily Watch? They were all over my social feeds during the holiday season last year and now I'm considering picking one up (though I liked the pricing during the holidays more than what I see now 🤑).

The design looks great... I like that you can open the roll up and it lays flat to give you a surface to sit your watches as you move them about or change straps. I have no idea about the durability of the case, but it looks robust enough to last for a while if it's not abused.

I'm currently using a canvas watch roll similar to this for travel: https://www.amazon.com/Barton-Watch-Roll-Canvas-Storage/dp/B07D8FMRX1?&linkCode=ll1&tag=theslenderwrist-20&linkId=3d412893d9224bd39bc1332878d35c9c

Other options for the hex roll can be found...



Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
