Post a dad joke about watches

I’ll start:

If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

Each witch would watch which watch belonged to which witch's wrist.


What is a watch enthusiasts favourite meal?

Whatever that can be eaten with a pallet fork.

Btw I came up with that on the spot. Youre welcome.



Q: Why did the dad throw his watch out the window?

A: He wanted to see time fly.


What does a watch collector on a diet do when still hungry after a meal? Ask for small seconds


What’s the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping Tom? A pickpocket snatches watches and a peeping Tom watches snatches 😱


Araldite walks into a bar and sits down next to superglue , they get close and really bonded .


Words of wisdom:

Time flies like an arrow.

Fruit flies like a banana.