Seiko SKX 013 Strap / Bracelet Suggestions?

I have owned this SKX 013 for a few months now and have tried at least half a dozen different straps and bracelets. Nato, single pass, leather, rubber, mesh & straight end bracelets. While I don't mind some of them, I haven't been super happy with the fit / look of any of them.

I think the main issue is the location of the spring bars in relation to the lugs / case. They seem to sit very low and at the tip of the lugs. This causes a larger than usual gap between the strap and case, and also makes the already short & thick case appear even taller. I don't recall seeing or reading about this from any of the countless SKX videos and articles I have seen (or I did and I just don't remember.....).

I have seen both curved end rubber straps and solid end link bracelets made specifically for this watch. They aren't cheap though, so I want to be sure.

I'm sure many of you own this watch and can make suggestions. Should I go with a Strapcode or Uncle Seiko bracelet? Or has anyone had good luck with a cheaper generic hollow end bracelet fitting well?


Uncle Seiko Jubilee with solid end link 👍


Agree Uncle Seiko is your friend here. Check out Island watch and Strapcode too. Fitted ends...


Yup! Uncle Seiko resulted in way more wrist time for the SKX013.

Though I went with an Oyster the Jubilee is fire, at the end of the day though I wanted it to be tooly.


Milled clasp, solid end links, perfect fit.


Definitely Uncle Seiko. I’m really happy with their jubilee on my 009.


I personally prefer Uncle Straps to Strapcode, etc., because they have female end links.

Relatedly, you could consider the z199, a more classic, Seiko-specific option as compared to an oyster or jubilee style bracelet.


Long Island Watch sells oyster and jubilee style bracelets for the SKX013 for $59.


This one looks gorgeous


There are some decent brackets on AliExpress but you'll have to do some research. But I'd go with Marc's at Long Island Watches. Good luck with your search. Stay Thirsty My Man 🍻👊🏽


So I have a traska commuter coming with an extra bracelet and I ordered the seiko end links for my SSK 005. Hopefully this works out as the Traska bracelet is far better. 🤞


I have an Uncle Seiko beads of rice for my Samurai. Great piece of kitt!


The humble grey NATO works for me on my 6458 (it's roughly the same size as an 013). I think the spring bars ARE low, now you come to mention it. But I'm just going with it.


Uncle Seiko or Long Island Watch bracelets.


I'm saying nothing new here. Head over to Uncle Seiko. You'll pay a fair price and get an excellent bracelet in return. Personally I'd go beads of rice, but Jubilee works, too.


Thanks for all the responses! Looks like Uncle Seiko is the clear winner. I had a feeling that would be the case. I guess I just wanted some confirmation before pulling the trigger.