Brand Market Share "on wrist"

@WatchCrunch, do you release the ranking of brands posted on WRUW?

I have been wondering about the popularity of the watch brands people actually wear on their wrists. I see market share studies but they are usually in the dollar value or the production counts. You could own a dozen $20k Rolexes but you wear only one of them at any given time, which is the same "on-wrist market share" as someone with only one Citizen.

Is there any study out there like tallying up on the street or daily statistics of WRUW posts, (image recognition AI can count them right)?


"Is there any study out there like tallying up on the street or daily statistics of WRUW posts, (Face recognition AI can count them right)?"

God, I hope not!!!


We’re working on some interesting things with regards to this… it’s in the oven😉


We’re working on some interesting things with regards to this… it’s in the oven😉

Cool. Looking forward 🙏


Ohhh we can place bets on which watch brand will come on top!!



We come here to have fun with what we wear on our wrists. We don't come here to be kept track of by what we wear. The majority of Crunchers wear the same watches over and over. It would defeat the purpose of keeping track of these. Especially if they are wearing old watches. You could possibly keep track of watch brands through NWA posts. Yet again a lot of these watches are purchased old and used. I know that WatchCrunch has to do something to generate some income to keep running. I'm not sure that this would be it.