Stuck on which backpacking watch I should go with

TIA for helping. I'm stuck between the Timex Tide - Temp - Conpass and the Casio Protrek. The Timex has sapphire crystal, but the Casio has solar charging and the reputation for durability. Neither is a stretch financially, so don't let that sway your decision too much. The specific models I am considering:



35 votes ·

The timex is way better looking in my opinion, and I like the compass bezel. Bring an extra battery and tool to open the watch case if it worries you not having solar charging is what I’d say! Mostly based of looks though, that Timex is handsome!


The timex is way better looking in my opinion, and I like the compass bezel. Bring an extra battery and tool to open the watch case if it worries you not having solar charging is what I’d say! Mostly based of looks though, that Timex is handsome!

Thats kind of where I'm at on it, but the gear guy in me looks at all the extra features on the casio and starts drooling, even though I'll probably only ever use the compass and thermometer functions


It is up to you in the end. But the looks of the timex combined with the functionality it does have makes it the winner for me