This includes days off of work, when ya just wanna lounge around. What's y'all's lounge time look like? Everytime is an adventure, even if it's just for a moments peace.


I wear pretty much whatever I would wear out.


I wear pretty much whatever I would wear out.

Right on! I myself just dig out the most mismatched set of comfy clothes I have that I wouldn't wear anywhere else lol. That's me though.


I go for 100% comfort.


I go for 100% comfort.

Saaame. Usually include something mismatched or otherwise unfit for classy society lol


Time for a big bud and cartoon

Life just don't get better


Time for a big bud and cartoon

Life just don't get better

I'm sober 18 months, but I feel that sentiment. My version would be some chamomile tea and a good nic pouch as I study or watch anime 😊