Everyone, meet Howard

In my previous post, I asked Crunchers to give my vintage Cyma a name. Calling it "vintage Cyma" or "Cyma military watch" just wasn't working. @foghorn is the winner, with his comment receiving the most "bullseye" reactions. He suggested "Howard," and I wouldn't name it anything else. Howard was the name of my maternal grandfather, who passed away in 2014. By some bizarre working of fate, he happened to suggest his name for the watch... well, it was either fate or he knows me better than I could possibly think.

So here it is, WatchCrunch, my Cyma “Howard.”


I’m surprised with all the Brit’s here that it didn’t end up being “Watchy McWatchface” 😂

Anybody remember Boaty McBoatface? 🤣


I’m surprised with all the Brit’s here that it didn’t end up being “Watchy McWatchface” 😂

Anybody remember Boaty McBoatface? 🤣

Me too! I was thinking the exact same thing when I made the initial post.




Hello Howard, make yourself at home!