Watch shopping in Saudi Arabia

A few places I dropped by during my recent trip to Riyadh. No photos inside were permitted.


And what are your impressions? Staff, availability?


And what are your impressions? Staff, availability?

They all appeared to have a fair selection. The staff were impeccable. One shop noticed my mobility issues and brought me in ahead of others. The prices did seem higher than I'd expected but the 15% tax is baked in and prices of some luxury goods are higher in this part of the world. It's odd to see people qued up and I was informed that some buy and quickly return items once they've showed them off or noticed someone else has the same thing. Not sure it's as common as told to me but would explain the numbers holding luxury brand bags waiting for shops to open.


Which mall were these in btw?


LOL, I'm sorry, what? No photos allowed inside? Absolutely ridiculous.


Which mall were these in btw?

The ones in the photos are in Kingdom Centre.


Yeah, that’s crazy! No photos! I mean I always ask, but have never been refused, even with this monster on my wrist in Vegas:


Yeah, that’s crazy! No photos! I mean I always ask, but have never been refused, even with this monster on my wrist in Vegas:


To be honest I asked a security guard about it and not each shop. Worked for me but nothing to show others.🙂