Show a new reviewer some watch love

Elliot is new to the watch review world and we’ve all been there so let’s show his channel some support please


Honestly I’m hoping his youthful enthusiasm continues. For someone to be excited about a limited edition is quite refreshing to me these days. With social media and other things I’ve almost become numb since I see nice watches all the time but for someone to be genuinely happy reminds me of the old days. Wow I really sound old saying that


I get it. The branding is on the lower half of dial because Australia.

However, the reviewer is far from mastering the open mouthed toothy bugman pose for thumbnails. But this was short and to the point. In the future I expect more "hey guys it me, Modded Time and I'm back with another review for you but first remember to like and subscribe and leave a comment and send me monies!" plus a time-wasting preview and introduction.