Mail Call… 8 weeks past due….

8 weeks later… DHL DE is the absolute worst. The dealer I would say it’s also at fault here. Originally got quoted 10-15 days but landed at around 8 full weeks to deliver from Germany to California.

AD offered to give a generous discount on next purchase and use a different provider, hopefully this time they choose DHL express rather than DHL DE.

Anyway…. Federal Constant Highlife in the Germany limited edition 99 total piece collection. Couldn’t find this anywhere in the US of A!


Sorry to hear about your experience, but on the upside it’s a great looking watch.


Congrats on the super nice new piece!

DHL is the worst, ever but you can ask them to creat a customer master file for you. Once you have the CMF number you just make sure the shipper clearly puts that number on all of the shipping forms. It really helps to smooth out the process to have the customer master number on file with DHL.


Hi Mr. Can you tell me what is your wrist size and how is the feel/fit of the 41 on your wrist?

thank you!


I am looking for that watch but in blue, how has been your experience?