How important it is for you to match your watch with your outfit?

I love matching my watches to my outfit, matching colors and style.

203 votes ·

E: All of the above.


Accessories should be congruous. This dial matching stuff makes one look like little Lord Fauntelroy and people wonder if your underpants match too.


Accessories should be congruous. This dial matching stuff makes one look like little Lord Fauntelroy and people wonder if your underpants match too.

I just hope that’s not what you’re r wondering 🤣

So B. 👍🏻


I always make sure to NOT match colors... white shirt = no white dial watch for me... blue shirt = no blue dial watch...etc....

I like some contrast, so the watch just stands out better...


Match the watch to the day’s activities


My life is to busy to have time to think about matching outfits to my watch. sport, work and work,


I pick the watch then find the outfit to go with it.


Interesting results folks 🙌🏻


I like to match my watches to my outfits but it's often pretty limiting to which ones I wear because my usual style of clothing doesn't go too well with most watches, I think that they just stick out like a sore thumb and look out of place somehow. When I wear a watch it usually goes together with a conscious decision of which outfit im wearing today.