Anybody else set the "wrong" time on their watches?

I usually wear a watch in my rotation for a week or so before changing it. If it gains say 10 seconds a day, I'll set it 30/45 seconds slow so that by the time I change it'll only be up to a minute fast. Am I the only one that does this?!?


Not sure if this counts but when I was younger I'd set all my watches 5 minutes fast so no matter what I'd always be early. Now I just leave 5 mins early naturally so it has no real point. And no I don't do what you do but its pretty smart


I don't bother setting my mechanical watches half the time.


If the watch has hacking I set correct by the second. Then I check when taking  it off. A sort of health check of the watch.


I do exactly what you are taking about haha. Not if a watch runs very accurately, but if it's more than 5 seconds off, I'm compensating for it. 


Constantly juggling that way would annoy me but shine on, you crazy diamond. Any interaction with a timepiece that you enjoy is worthwhile.

I have one piece running <1 sec deviation monthly and another averaging around +1-2 sec/day. So every time the latter piece gets around 5 seconds ahead, I pull the crown to hack seconds until the prior catches up and resync. Keeping it tight makes me smile.


Constantly juggling that way would annoy me but shine on, you crazy diamond. Any interaction with a timepiece that you enjoy is worthwhile.

I have one piece running <1 sec deviation monthly and another averaging around +1-2 sec/day. So every time the latter piece gets around 5 seconds ahead, I pull the crown to hack seconds until the prior catches up and resync. Keeping it tight makes me smile.

Fortunately now I'm retired I don't need my timekeeping so precise...😁


Fortunately now I'm retired I don't need my timekeeping so precise...😁

It's not a practical need for me either - precision just makes me smile.


Yep. I will do this.

I will sent my watch 1 minute slow (if watch is running fast) and only adjust it again when it is one minute ahead. Vice versa if the watch is running slow.

My current has be going nearly 2+ months between resets. Quite pleased with that! 😎