Rolexgate in Peru

According to the New York Times and other news outlets, President Dina Boluarte of Peru has been seen wearing Rolex watches since taking office, and is now being accused of “unlawful enrichment."

The article states that "Ms. Boluarte has denied wrongdoing, but she has also declined to explain the origin of the Rolexes publicly". According to this same article, "Hania Pérez de Cuéllar, her housing minister [...] suggested that the Rolex might be fake and admitted to buying a counterfeit luxury watch herself on a trip to China."

Hot take: fake watches. Buluarte's inauguration as President was 16 months ago "only". Even she could not have beaten the Rolex waiting list.

Photo source: Peru Reports


Celebrities and politicians can easily beat the waiting lists because it’s not really a waiting list, it’s a preferred customer list. Besides, they can also afford the after market price of the watches if they chose that.


The journalistic notes also say that she had other luxury brand watches such as "Michael Kors, Bebe and Fossil" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The journalistic notes also say that she had other luxury brand watches such as "Michael Kors, Bebe and Fossil" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



Rolex are luxury but they are not the most expensive watches out there.


I like people that wear fake watches but I prefer they be honest about it, at least when directly asked.