Not all small watches are created equal

As a kid I always saw my dad wear tank style watches. There was something elegant but simple about them. When I got serious about my collection a few years ago I tried different styles and sizes to see what would best suit my 7.5 inch wrist, and although I like smaller watches, I just don't wear them. Nonetheless, my aspiration to recreate the feeling that my dad had with his tank watches never stopped. Today I'm happy to say I found that watch, something that fits with my around the world collection taking the place of my HMT Janata but also adds to the diversity in styles. I added the gold bracelet because that's how my dad wore them, and I see now that that's the trick to a small tank on a large wrist. It's more of a bracelet, and I absolutely love how it looks and feels. I'll be wearing it on my next visit to see my dad, hope he's proud 😁.


It really looks good on the bracelet!


You've done exceptional with this piece. Beautiful watch and sits nicely on your wrist. The bracelet is so charming. Very well done. Your dad would be proud of you regardless, I can feel it just by your adoration for him. I'm sure he'd approve of the watch too. Pat yourself on the back.


You've done exceptional with this piece. Beautiful watch and sits nicely on your wrist. The bracelet is so charming. Very well done. Your dad would be proud of you regardless, I can feel it just by your adoration for him. I'm sure he'd approve of the watch too. Pat yourself on the back.

Thank you 🙏🏽 definitely proud of this one


Wow that’s just perfect , are those readily available or was is it a in a lifetime thing ?


Thank you! I found a couple sellers on eBay, not easy to find but they are out there. I got the bracelet separately on eBay as well.


HMT make some nice pieces. There's a few that have caught my eye and I own one. Movement is terrible but it looks great!


HMT make some nice pieces. There's a few that have caught my eye and I own one. Movement is terrible but it looks great!

Couldn't agree more 😁