Reputable sites/dealers for vintage watches

I'm still new in understanding vintage time pieces. I have been doing a lot of my own research, but still unsure where to find reputable vintage dealers. Does anyone have any good recommendations?


Nah mate...

It's almost always a gamble regarding online purchases.

Do your homework regarding watches you like,and be on the lookout for frankenwatches and dealers who sell watches with aftermarket parts claiming they're original.

There are few interesting IG accounts dedicatd to spotting fake watches and bad sellers on chrono24 and ebay. But they mostly report on vinage seiko watches.

You can find them on IG with names like feikofriday, feikobusters etc.

If you are looking for a nice original vintage Seiko follow @classicseiko on Ig.


Nah mate...

It's almost always a gamble regarding online purchases.

Do your homework regarding watches you like,and be on the lookout for frankenwatches and dealers who sell watches with aftermarket parts claiming they're original.

There are few interesting IG accounts dedicatd to spotting fake watches and bad sellers on chrono24 and ebay. But they mostly report on vinage seiko watches.

You can find them on IG with names like feikofriday, feikobusters etc.

If you are looking for a nice original vintage Seiko follow @classicseiko on Ig.

Thanks for the insight