Spaghetti Scameti. Possibly the best watch ever?

Enough said


Looks great but not sure I can get past a watch named Scam


Looks great but not sure I can get past a watch named Scam

What do you meeean? It's Italian! That means it's faaaancy.


What do you meeean? It's Italian! That means it's faaaancy.

Fancy Spaghetti? Chef Boyardee for me.


Fancy Spaghetti? Chef Boyardee for me.

Nothing wrong with that!


@benswatchclub How long is the wait list? 😜


"Possibly?" mean "Clearly" my friend


"Possibly?" mean "Clearly" my friend

Excellent counter-point. You're absolutely right. Clearly.


I am usually immune to hype watches but there is the ocassional exception.


Evil genius, just realised the web store actually exists.


Evil genius, just realised the web store actually exists.

Haha right? @benswatchclub are these actually purchasable??? (because I don't want to get Scameti'ed)

Scameti, Scameti, give me that watch already


Haha right? @benswatchclub are these actually purchasable??? (because I don't want to get Scameti'ed)

Scameti, Scameti, give me that watch already

Yes, yes they are purchaseable. We're running out of stock, so be very snappy


Lmao “to move your money from you wallet to our wallet.”

30 sec warranty lmao 🤣

There is to much to recal

Every sec was funnny as hell.


Lmao “to move your money from you wallet to our wallet.”

30 sec warranty lmao 🤣

There is to much to recal

Every sec was funnny as hell.

so many great quotes


I'd think that a magnetic warranty card shipping alongside the watch might cause problems, but I am probably underestimating the watch.


I'd think that a magnetic warranty card shipping alongside the watch might cause problems, but I am probably underestimating the watch.

Definitely underestimating! The Spaghetti Scameti is THE best watch ever created.