Homage vs. Fake

Recently, there was a post asking when "homage" watches strayed into becoming "fakes". Here is an example. In the first picture, we have my Pagani Designs PD-1701, "Project Alaska", which is an homage to the MoonSwatch "Mission to Mars". The color sheme is slightly different and it carries no Swatch or Omega logos. It is made of different material. It is clearly not a MoonSwatch. Next, we gave my Omega Seamaster Pro, 300m. Finally. We have a fake Omega that I received as a gift. It is branded as an Omega, but it is clealy not. The waves on the dial are printed, not embossed, the hands are wrong, the helium escape valve is fake, the crown does not screw down, It is clearly a fake. Now, there are fakes that will almost pass the most rigorous verification procedures, mine is not one of them. So, in summation, for me: an homage is a watch that resembles another but is branded differently, often proudly so and a fake is a watch that copies a more expensive or exclusive watch and the maker tries to sell it as or passes it off as the authentic item.


I agree that homages are just counterfeits that don't go all the way. Finish the job!! Homaging is weak sauce.


Wait?!? They are homaging moonswatches now?!?


Wait?!? They are homaging moonswatches now?!?

Right. I did not know that.


Ah. Even a homage to Uranus.


I agree that homages are just counterfeits that don't go all the way. Finish the job!! Homaging is weak sauce.

This statement would be an amazing Main Topic


Wait?!? They are homaging moonswatches now?!?

I view it as actually building a better MoonSwatch.


Wait?!? They are homaging moonswatches now?!?

Yep, and they're actually better.


I have no issues with mine.


In which country do you reside?


It's a pretty easy answer for me. Take a Submariner for example. If Pagani makes a Submariner and it is identical to the Rolex in every way, it is still not a fake as long as the watch is branded with Pagani. It becomes a fake when they put the Rolex name on it. I am just using Pagani and Rolex as an example, this is true for all brands. As long as the watches are branded correctly, they are not a fake, they are a homage.

Edit: to add on, that Seamaster fake is hideously bad, haha!


I agree that homages are just counterfeits that don't go all the way. Finish the job!! Homaging is weak sauce.

All of the Swiss brands do the exact same thing. I don't see it as a copy, more like "I can do what you did but I can do it better". In the case of the Chinese brands it's more like "I can do what you did but I can do it for a much better price". Nothing wrong with homage watches but fakes that are branded with the company's name, like the Seamaster in the original post, are super dumb.


Wait?!? They are homaging moonswatches now?!?

That Pagani MoonSwatch homage is a much better watch than an actual MoonSwatch, lmao. It looks way better and it's not made of plastic. Huge fan of the Pagani.


Looks great! Pagani makes a better MoonSwatch than Omega/Swatch, haha. It looks better in every single way!


How is the quality of their watches? I might pick up one of these because it's only $76 right now. It honestly is just a better MoonSwatch, lol. I have a San Martin and the quality is incredible but I haven't tried a Pagani before.


Wait so you had to pay almost the price of the watch in import duty? Is that the same for the US? I have only ordered one AliExpress watch and it's a San Martin and I didn't have to pay anything after purchasing.


It's a pretty easy answer for me. Take a Submariner for example. If Pagani makes a Submariner and it is identical to the Rolex in every way, it is still not a fake as long as the watch is branded with Pagani. It becomes a fake when they put the Rolex name on it. I am just using Pagani and Rolex as an example, this is true for all brands. As long as the watches are branded correctly, they are not a fake, they are a homage.

Edit: to add on, that Seamaster fake is hideously bad, haha!

I agree on the fake Seamaster but you would not believe the number of people who think it might be real.


I agree on the fake Seamaster but you would not believe the number of people who think it might be real.

They must not be watch bros. 🤣


They must not be watch bros. 🤣

Nope. The REAL Seamaster stays home when I travel in dodgy places. If someone wants the fake, or my Casio, or my Scuba Dude, no great loss.


Nope. The REAL Seamaster stays home when I travel in dodgy places. If someone wants the fake, or my Casio, or my Scuba Dude, no great loss.

Makes sense, maybe it’s harder to tell when there aren’t pictures of both side by side. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Imagine if Pagani Design made a anodised aluminium version of the Moon Swatch now that would be a gamechanger. I hate fake watches and I will not be seen dead wearing one but some people are happy wearing fakes or worst still purchased a face without knowing it.