Let there be light...wait, let me fetch the square first!

Stepping out to the balcony almost turned me into Gizmo (Gremlins) because my first reaction was to shout "Big Light!!" when the sun smacked me right across the eyes as soon as I crossed the threshold.


That same flood of photons is why I went back inside, first to return the Canon RP because there's no point even to try macro photography in these conditions, and the next was to fetch the GMW-B5000.


If there is one thing at which monochrome LCD are good at it's legibility under direct sunlight. Their trans-reflective nature with the layers of filters and reflectors sandwiched in the display just sucks up the light to reflect it through the glass and make it better, sharper and brighter. Sunlight may be devastating for gremlins and will immolate a vampire in seconds, but it's also the LCD best friend.


It's also a very good opportunity to let it recharge, and with the amount of sunlight hitting the deck it may just take a few minutes to top it up. To my skeptical eyes it's a proof that renewable energy is a real thing, at least as far as watches are concerned.


Move along.

Nothing to see here.

It's just a bunch of electron jumping around while being recharged by 🌞.


That’s a great watch….. 👌🏻😍👍🏻