A Whiter Shade of Pale

I didn't turn cartwheels ‘cross the floor but I did hear the white Arctic MSAR call for more this morning.


The Marathon Arctic MSAR is the first and one of the few white dial watch that I have in my collection. It's also one of the more unique and anyone who handled one can attest that there is nothing else that looks and feels like a Marathon SAR so much that the phrase of "accept no substitute" was probably coined by someone who got one after trying a lot of YABDW before.


The MSAR belies the claim that 36mm watches are dainty little things because there is nothing delicate about it. Everything you can see, touch or feel tells a story of careful design and impeccable construction that resulted in one tough SOB.


This purpose build toughness is even documented on the best engraved case back there is. Which also prove that one can add a lot of information about a watch without having to turn the dial into a novella.

I don't wear the MSAR as often as I would like and this is due to my collection size and rotation schedule. But today my hand went to the winder to pick it up without a second thought.


And then I strapped the MSAR on my wrist and the ceiling flew away.


Huge fan of Marathon (my country has such a weak manufacturing sector, we have so few brands to be proud of 😔). Always a pleasure to spot them in the wild: I'm very bad at ID'ing watches on sight, but the SAR series really is unique. (and has some popularity at home in Canada)


If Marathon is good enough for the military, it’s good enough for most of us desk jockeys. Love Canada…it’s America’s hat😂


Ahhh! A Fellow TTRPG player and watch nerd! Love the Marathon, I'm thinking about one for my next watch. Great write-up!


Have always loved the “Artic” and will eventually purchase one. Absolutely beautiful beast of a watch 🤙❤️🤙


Ahhh! A Fellow TTRPG player and watch nerd! Love the Marathon, I'm thinking about one for my next watch. Great write-up!

The GF is the one who is more interested in RPG, I'm just not ashamed to admit that I'm willing to pilfer her set to add some color and interest to a photo.


Had I not found an amazing price on a gently abused GSAR from a US Coast Guard diver, I would have gone with the Artic dial. The Marathon SAR ranks right up there with Bob and Doug McKenzie as one of the best Canadian exports. Beauty, eh! 🫡🇨🇦


If Marathon is good enough for the military, it’s good enough for most of us desk jockeys. Love Canada…it’s America’s hat😂

To cover America’s bald spot 😂


I see mtg spindowns, I upvote.