Old but gold! My grandfather owned two watches. One was a real Rolex Daytona. The other was a fake Rolex Daytona. He wore the fake far, far more often on account of keeping the real one in his gun safe. I carry his name as my middle name (hence the “T”) and I carry his watch. But which watch is it…


So do you really not know? I am not an expert on Rolex so I have no idea. Are there any numbers or markers on the back to help identify it? It sounds like whichever one shows more wear is most likely the fake from what you have said. I would have an expert check out if it was me and I couldn't figure it out though. Amazing watches both though and pretty cool that he did it this way.


So do you really not know? I am not an expert on Rolex so I have no idea. Are there any numbers or markers on the back to help identify it? It sounds like whichever one shows more wear is most likely the fake from what you have said. I would have an expert check out if it was me and I couldn't figure it out though. Amazing watches both though and pretty cool that he did it this way.

I was having a little fun with the community on this one, Lincoln. I own the fake… both pictures I provided are of the fake Rolex. He wore this watch far more often so it’s beyond valuable to me. To me it’s worth a hell of a lot more than what a real Daytona would even be worth. My cousin who is the oldest grandson owns the real Rolex Daytona.


So do you really not know? I am not an expert on Rolex so I have no idea. Are there any numbers or markers on the back to help identify it? It sounds like whichever one shows more wear is most likely the fake from what you have said. I would have an expert check out if it was me and I couldn't figure it out though. Amazing watches both though and pretty cool that he did it this way.

This fake is still an automatic watch and runs halfway decently. I keep it with my watches and don’t wear it out very often because I don’t want to advocate for fake watches.