
First post - recently finished rebuilding this vintage Mortima. Took two parts watches to get this one. +2 seconds a day and a 1.0 beat error which isn't too shabby for a vintage watch. I believe this was made in the late 1960s or early 1970s. Not a ton of info out there but a French watch from what appears to be a once successful company.


Welcome and cool vintage watch rebuild.


Welcome and cool vintage watch rebuild.



That's really cool!! Love it 👍🏻👍🏻


Appreciate it!


Welcome! That is a very good looking watch, great build.


it 👏🏻👏🏻


Just a few more pics. I had to use two different parts watches to get all the parts needed. It was very crusty as it spent years sitting near Mumbai off the Arabian Sea. And that spring you see that loads the day wheel mechanism was a real challenge to set.




Wow, very nicely done! Kudos!