Thoughts on this Seiko

I can get this watch for a great price? What are your thoughts.


Is it necessary? Does it make you happier? Can you afford it? Go for it if it’s all a Yes.


Nice looking watch, looks like a good “every day watch” - how do you feel about the watch?

if it’s just that “it’s ok” & “cheap” then maybe wait and get something you really love and want.


I have same thoughts as you. Price is not the problem and it looks nice but I am not super excited. Price is affordable but my feeling is ok. The main thing why I am thinking is price. Just curious what people here are thinking. I was more excited about the watch from my previous watch that I actually bought.


You can check the SNK355, the version with those „5“logo shields on the dial. I believe it is the most special white/silver dial Seiko 5 out there plus looks very modern. This one looks great as well, especially if you do not have any silver / white dial watch in your range.