My automatic collection, 2023!

 Pretty self explanatory. For 2023 I got a new watch and a new strap for my old watch. My taste in design is pretty uniform, so I tried to at least diversify the colour palette…

 How long can I resist before buying another watch? I wonder. 


When you see the next one? Lol

I'm in love with your Orient Star watches! Oh nice Omega lol

Enjoy those sweeties!



When you see the next one? Lol

I'm in love with your Orient Star watches! Oh nice Omega lol

Enjoy those sweeties!


Funny you mention it, I nearly pulled the pin on yet another Orient Star just days after receiving my blue one. Not sure why I like them so much! Sadly that piece was in somewhat of a rough shape so I convinced myself not to risk it.


Know that feeling! Have bought a few and spent more to get them running right and looking half way decent. 

Hope youbfind that next one soon lol


buy ublo


buy ublo

Only if you get one too


Only if you get one too

hehe i will, when and if i have the big bucks