Rough travels.


I found this rather shabby looking Casio on the sidewalk. It clearly belonged to a local transient, it was amongst other remnants of a small shanty on my way to the corner store. Most likely stolen from Walmart and was never even set to the right time or date. It was without straps or push pins but the housings were still in place, looked like 18mm standard. I'll admit that if it was not for my daily obsession with wrist watches I probably would have walked passed it as discarded rubbish. But I spotted it from across the street😂. So I took it home, figured it could use some love and attention. Gave it a good scrub with some dawn. Tried to get as much paint out of the folds and cracks as I could. Found a spare resin strap that fit. Took some Polly watch to the poor screen, polished it profusely and Walla!


.... It still looks like a Hobo's watch. Oh well, I still like him, free watch dawg. Anybody else ever find a lost cause Casio? Post a timepiece you found on the ground!

Also if any of you are ever in town and your watch breaks, I got the perfect loner for you.


This Universal Geneve was amongst the abandoned possessions in some tenement rooming house, that the owner donated to a thrift shop that was located across from a client’s coffee shop. I was discussing possible renovations to a house the coffee shop owner had just purchased when the thrift shop manager offered me a bag of broken junk watches for $5.00. The UG was the single watch of interest, I returned the bag but kept this watch. I used to collect vintage but decades later this accidental item is the single vintage watch that I still own.
