Hanhart 417ES Red Lion


This baby roars💯


Looking 🔥 Rob. You know you're probably driving some crunchers crazy with the red tip on the coin edge bezel in that location 🤣😂.


Looking sharp, Rob! Love how that bund strap wears on you! Agree that the timing bezel off to the side might be messing with some crunchers 😂😜. Enjoy! 🍻


Looking 🔥 Rob. You know you're probably driving some crunchers crazy with the red tip on the coin edge bezel in that location 🤣😂.

Thanks Danilo. There are some who actually are happy to see it not lined up at the 12. Can't please them all.


Looking sharp, Rob! Love how that bund strap wears on you! Agree that the timing bezel off to the side might be messing with some crunchers 😂😜. Enjoy! 🍻

I had to time my walk break at work. Gone too long and the powers that be might send out a search party. 🤣