watch boxes/ rolls have seasons too

I open my watch roll probably every day and just realized, it has a season too. I don't know where you are based, but here in Europe, it's still winter. There are still a few long and dark weeks to go until spring hits and I slowly feel the need to put down the leather straps and go back to a more adventurous configuration with my watches. Maybe it's the lack of natural vitamin D, or I don't know, but the urge of exploring, even going out to a bar, is rising again. And I love it.

How do you feel rn?


I’m feeling a similar vibe. There’s light from the window, but it’s quite weak. The colours are muted.

Yet it’s getting dark a little bit later each day. It might not be too long before it’s time to break out some colour (but not yet!):


I’m feeling a similar vibe. There’s light from the window, but it’s quite weak. The colours are muted.

Yet it’s getting dark a little bit later each day. It might not be too long before it’s time to break out some colour (but not yet!):


Glad you feel the same and that you see that light at the end. I can see it too!


It is still very much winter in the US Northwest. 😐 We often have to wait until May for even a hint of warmer weather. Sometimes summer never really shows up and it's just 2 years of dark and cold and rain.

But, I'm moving this month to the US Southeast and I can't freaking wait! It's 47°F and rainy where I live (this is warm weather right now) and today's forecast for where I'm moving is 71°F and sunny. 😎

I'm so ansty to be a in a warmer climate right now!

In terms of European climates, it would be like moving from Germany to Greece.