Best strap for different watches?

So I have a collection of straps. I’ve convinced myself not to be tempted to get rid of a watch, until I’m sure the strap/bracelet is not the problem. As I pursue this journey, the strap I keep going back to has surprised me. 

It‘a the Hirsch Caoutchouc Natural Rubber in 20mm. It seemed a bit expensive but you’ll notice in the background of many of my photos that I have a dog. A border collie that sheds EVERYWHERE. I’m yet to find a single hair stuck to this strap, its a breathable design and so comfortable. 

I’ve tried a tropic (original) strap and I am not impressed. What’s the strap you love or regret paying a good chunk of money for? 


Rude of me… here’s the face 


@MWC2020 kick us off my friend? You and watchgringa compete for my favorite YouTubers. Suspect you have some good insights to share here ;) 


@onlinemails my post went into the abyss. i just stumbled on your post from a couple weeks ago and thought you might be interested in this strap.