
New young watch enthusiast here. Wanna learn more and admire all types of watches since I can't afford them yet.

Desire to build a collection when I have the money to do so.

Big fan of Casios.

Got to know this through yt.


Welcome to WC! Be careful, the world of watches can keep you occupied for years and suck up all your money. That said, Casio is a great place to start, you’ll find that almost everyone here has at least one.


You can begin with an F91W, it's a pocket money!


welcome and casio is a good and easy choice. I tend to less like digital watches but casio stills in my heart


Take your time once you start to buy.

As you save do as much research first and try and see some watches in person with out buying. Leave you wallet at home when you go to window shop. Especially after you buy your first one.

I’m not joking.


Welcome aboard and have fun! 🤙❤️


Welcome to both crunch and the hobby.

What kind of watch and budget are you thinking of for your first piece? I’m happy to make some recommendations to add to what you’ve learned on YouTube. Would be a blessing if the volume of knowledge I’ve acquired in this hobby would actually benefit someone lmao.