Are factory diamonds worth their premium?

Are factory diamonds worth their premium or should you just go the custom route?


Factory set timepieces by the major brands always have a superior stone setting of high quality. I often see many custom set pieces with very bad settings and irregulairities, even when made for big name stars. It is kind of shocking that these things get sold and no one notices!

Of course, if you can find a high level setter, they can do a good job too.

But I see too many Frankensettings to believe it is easy to find such experts....


If you want diamonds and want to resell and not lose your shirt go factory.

if you don’t give AF about it and it’s for you do whatever, just keep it classy please. 😁😁


I personally think diamonds on watches look bad except for on the dial

But if you do truly want diamonds on your watch I'd go factory as it keeps the value more than going 3rd party as @mattyb said