Tip for today!

It’s been awhile since I’ve made any comments or left any tips. So I have one for those who might be in a hurry and take the short cut they know they shouldn’t take.

I’ve found that from time to time whether replacing a dial or making a dial for a quartz movement that it was better to just use adhesive in place of dial feet. Now the most acceptable adhesive used is dial dots. Now I don’t know about others but I find that they fail more then they work. Also, on some quartz the dial feet raise the dial up to far. So what’s the solution. My first choice is contact cement. I find it works well but on occasion and depending on the watch I’ve used a couple of drops of super glue.

I really don’t like using any glue, but if and when you need too. I have! Why not an epoxy? Well if you ever need to take it apart, you won’t be able too. So what’s the tip? Well, if your using glue to begin with your probably in a hurry. What ever you do, hurried or not. DO NOT PUT THE WATCH BACK TOGETHER FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS!!! What will happen and if you have an acrylic crystal is, the fumes of the super glue with make your crystal go milky and it will be ruined. Rule of thumb; Use Glue - You Wait!

Have a great day
