Off Topic. Does anyone here collect vintage Horror Comic Books? Update added pictures

I know this is a little out of the ordinary but my 8 yr old nephew just got into comic book collecting mostly superhero stuff I have some. I myself started years ago than stopped for a while and are now starting up again. My main thing is anything Horror related especially vintage stuff from the 50's-70's. I'm familiar with the ones I listed below. I even asked a guy who sells comics why we don't see a lot more vintage horror comics he basically told me they were not that popular. Which is too bad.



Weird Tales

The Vault of Horror

Chamber of Chills

Web of Evil

Weird Mystery

The Witching Hour

The haunt of fear

Anyway does anyone collect these? Or others? And if you know any websites other than eBay that would be great.

My small current horror collection


I also have a pretty decent size deadpoole comic collection


oh if you want to find the best trades and deals , Discord is pretty awesome . holla if you want the details :)


Dark Horse has been releasing their collected EC comics in paperback. I have been collecting Tales from the Crypt, the Vault of Horror, and the Haunt of Fear.


I have the first two volumes of each. I also have the first volume of Shock SuspenStories and Weird Science. The old EC horror titles are among the best horror comics, in my opinion. I believe you can also get collected House of Mystery in a Showcase volume. Finally, I believe Marvel has released collected volumes of House of Dracula and Werewolf by Night.

p.s. I also have Mad Spoofs Horror. 😁