Let’s have some fun.

Here’s a fun game I thought we could all play.

The rules.

1) You can’t buy anymore watches for the next 5 years.

2) If you go all 5 years you get a free watch valued up to $5k. That’s $1k a year for each year you don’t buy a watch up to a watch valued at $5k.

3) No trading/selling is allowed.

4) If you buy a watch before those 5 years you must sell off five of your most expensive watches.

Now all long can you go without going mad?


i would go mad because i have a list of watches i want to buy and i buy based on opportunity... it could be a great price, it could be limited edition, it could be the only time i get to try on a watch... tough game! i would probably bow out after a year!


I'd be fine.


I’d be fine until the day when the AD/boutique give me “the call” #wishfulthinking 😮‍💨


Can't do it. I enjoy a hunt. I can go a year.



Is this a binding contract?


Is this a binding contract?

No, just need to follow the rules lol.