Confession: yesterday's wrist shot with the rugged and dramatic mountain background was from two weeks ago. Fittingly, the mountain is named Mt Deception. Actually, I'm stuck at home with covid only wishing I was in the mountains.


I find the deception part funny. 

Hope Covid's ass is kicked soon. 

As for the watch...


I find the deception part funny. 

Hope Covid's ass is kicked soon. 

As for the watch...


I actually felt bad about posting an old picture in WRUW. When I realized I had deceived you good people with a photo of Mt Deception I thought it was hilarious and had to fess up. Covid sucks but I'm getting better. Feel free to use the test result photo the next time you want to call in "sick".😂


Laugh:Mt Deception 


Need two emojis for this post 😉