Why doesn't "This Watch, That Watch" have more subscribers?


It's one of the most intelligent youtube channels on watches. Creeping up swiftly but still only at 15k. If you like all the content creators I do - Adrian Barker, the Time Teller, TGV, the ID Guy, Peter Kotsa, Bruce Williams, the Watch Idiot, Max of course!, etc etc - you should definitely be watching this channel. Well-argued, precise, informative, compelling, unafraid to be a bit provocative but nevertheless pretty objective, and delivered in a clipped but efficient South African accent, I was hooked on watching my first video. Crunchers: help him get to 100k!


Enjoying this channel a lot lately


I agree just found him recently and think he’s great.


I am subscribed to his channel. I like conversational style his high level analysis of brands and the industry as a whole.