Lorier Announces Hydra Zulu GMT

Lorier fans can rejoice in today's announcement about the new Hydra Zulu, due for release November 10. Attendees of this weekend's Windup Fair in NYC can see it in person.

Per Lorier's website: "Nothing says '80s Action Hero quite like a black tool watch. Just like the movies they were featured in, they were loud, brash, and badass."

More information can be found here: https://www.lorierwatches.com/products/hydra-siii-zulu?omnisendContactID=644c7278db9c820010a71087&utm_campaign=campaign%3A+Hydra+Zulu+Launch+%28652e95d719ac5ea4f17a9a04%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=omnisend


Thx buddy - that’s actually nice, fair price also! Love that a tube of Polywatch is included 🤙😂❤️


I Like it but have so many similar pieces that fill the same role and space that it just doesn't make sense for me to get it.