Victorinox INOX

I'm almost buying this. Does anyone have one of these super-tough watches and what do you think of them? I particularly like the red version. 


I have the INOX, mechanical version.  I like it a lot, but primarily for sentimental reasons - the Victorinox field watch was the first real watch that my father got for me.


  • Frickin' indestructible - you can do anything with it on, and you're all good
  • Makes for an amazing set of brass knuckles in a pinch, if you get it with the steel bracelet


  • You are, effectively, strapping one of these to your wrist
Olympia Tools 9-Pound Cast Iron Hobby Anvil 38-789 - Small Anvil -

I guess it all depends on what you're looking for.  If you don't mind a SUPER HEAVY, huge chunk of metal on your wrist, then I can't think of a better tool watch.

When I was in my 20's, this watch would have been the ideal watch.  Now that I'm pushing on to my fifth decade, and the heaviest thing I lift these days is my afternoon cocktail...  not sure it's anything more than a memento of my dad.

Hope that helps!


I've owned 2, a quartz and an automatic.

Nice watches but just too chunky for me. If I ever get run over by a tank or thrown from a 10 story building I really don't care that my watch will survive.


I had the stainless steel with the grey dial on the bracelet and I have no idea why I sold it, it was a great watch and I am sure one I will repurchase in the future, it is a chunky peace but my wrist are quite thick at 7 and 3 quarter inches so proportionaly was fine for me


This weight business is a worry. While I have sometimes worn an anvil on my wrist and used a few knuckle dusters, it has been a while. I am now in my 70's and proud to  be able to lift the newspaper, but this watch might cause a stress fracture. 🥺 looks worth it. Half an hour a day can't hurt. 


I can't say too much about the INOX, but my very first automatic was a Victorinox:


They make great watches, so if you're up for it, I'd say go for it!