British watch x British strap

British watch brand x British watch strap brand. My Vertex M100A on a Haveston Denison Service Series Strap. The British camouflage pattern looks pretty cool on a British military style field watch.


Very cool indeed!

British camouflage used to be called DPM which stood for Disruptive Pattern Material. I don't know what the latest pattern is called?


Very cool indeed!

British camouflage used to be called DPM which stood for Disruptive Pattern Material. I don't know what the latest pattern is called?

This is how Haveston describes this camo pattern they've adapted to this strap model.

'The Denison Strap is based on its namesake camouflage pattern design.

First introduced in 1942, the Denison pattern smock was famously issued to British Commando & Parachute Units. The design itself was initially hand applied with mop like brushes in broad pea green & dark brown “strokes” on a sand twill base.

The Haveston Denison strap pattern is redrawn in-house, to adapt its characteristic brush stroke design for a longitudinal strap profile.'


Ah yes Denison was specifically the camouflage used on the smock worn by airborne forces from the second world war onwards. Last issued in the 1970s I think. Very interesting. Definitely suits the warch!


I’m a big fan of that watch! Killer combo!


Ah yes Denison was specifically the camouflage used on the smock worn by airborne forces from the second world war onwards. Last issued in the 1970s I think. Very interesting. Definitely suits the warch!

Yes, sir, it does!